
Fruit is left on the tree to ripen as long as possible and generally sold within 24hrs of being picked.

Our season begins early January with Flavourcrest peaches, Jewel and Billington plums and various nectarines.

Mid January large Fortune plums become available with more peaches and new season Sunrise apples make their debut.

In late January the popular Luisa plums start their season as do the red flesh Black Doris, Satsuma and Omega plums.

Flavourcrest Peaches
Omega plums
Luisa plums

Various vegetable crops such as outdoor tomatoes and beans come on stream during January. Late January and February are the season for watermelon both red and yellow flesh and rockmelons. We only sell fruit grown on the orchard so quantities vary year on year. Although we have produce available throughout the summer early to mid January is a great time for peaches and late January early February for plums.